Every day I am both amazed and thankful for living in Los Angeles.
I got a call from my BFF Scott Michaels on Sunday morning, "Feel like going to Arcadia today?" How often do you get the chance to go the spot where they filmed "Fantasy Island" and play the boardgame "Fantasy Island"?
The Los Angeles Arboretum began a really long time ago so we will skip ahead to 1947 when the County of LA and the State of Ca. got together and bought a little over 100 acres of jungle in Arcadia.
The land had been used for filming starting in 1936 with " The Capture of Tarzan" ("Tarzan Escapes") as well as 2 Jurassic Park films, "Anaconda","The Women", "Fantasy Island" and the list goes on and on.....

The area, including the homes around the Arboretum abound with Peacocks...lots and lots of Peacocks.
This place has some of the most amazing plant life. If you've never been here you owe it to yourself to visit.

It is the COOLEST feeling to walk past the Cacti, along the Orange trees and then .....There it is......Queen Anne Cottage and Coach Barn, Mr. Roarke's house from "Fantasy Island" (site #80000804 National Register of Historic Places).
So, there we are Scott, Troy, Beverly and myself playing "Fantasy Island" at "Fantasy Island"

I thought this was interesting: "Bomba the Jungle Boy"
Photo by S. Michaels |
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